Ada Lovelace Day

Ada Lovelace Day

This year we will be celebrating Ada Lovelace Day on Tuesday 10th October.

Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) highlights the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Launched in 2009 as a celebration of women in science, the event promotes programs that encourage girls and women to pursue careers in STEM.

The only legitimate daughter of Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace is widely known as the first person to recognise the potential of early computers and published what is known as an algorithm. Before most others, Lovelace recognised that computers could do more than simple number-crunching, opening the door to complex functions and ushering in the modern era of computing.

In 2009 Suw Charman-Anderson launched ALD and it is now held on the second Tuesday of October every year. There are central events organised by Finding Ada, more information is available at

ADL has become an international celebration of the achievements of women STEM, helping to increase the profile of women in STEM subjects and help create role models.

To celebrate this event we will be holding interview with some of our amazing women in computing and engineering.

  • Professor Shushma Patel, PVC Dean Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media
  • Tanvir Allidina, Lecturer in Embedded Systems
  • Celine Ilo, Postgraduate Research Student in Engineering

The interviews will be published on our Ada Lovelace blog on Tuesday 10th October.

Check our celebrations from 2022 at Ada Lovelace Day

About the author

Sarah Lewis administrator